Last updated: Thursday, 13 March 2025 14:20 00000
Generated-and-frobbed Man Page
Below is the HTMLised version of the spackle-mailmap
man page which accompanies
the package. It was generated from the actual man page source,
then heavily modified by hand to make it into valid and usable
HTML. No content was changed during the modification.
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Manpage of spackle-mailmap
Section: Utilities (5)
Updated: March 2002
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spackle-mailmap - CVS Commit Mail Addresses
file is used by the Spackle(5) package to direct CVS
commit messages to the appropriate addresses.
The email addresses to which the commit reports are sent are entirely
customisable, and may be different for different modules -- or even
different files -- in the repository. The mailmap file
provides this customisation ability.
Each line in the mailmap file consists of three colon
(':') delimited fields:
- module-pattern
A Perl regular expression which is applied to the names of the
modules being committed.
- flags
Zero or more flag keywords, separated by commas or spaces.
- eddress
One or more email addresses, separated by commas or spaces.
When something is committed to the repository, the list of the
modules affected is used to locate one or more entries in the
mailmap file. An example module list would be:
spackle spackle-mailmap.5 MANIFEST
The first entry in the list is the name of the top-level module
under which the other files are found.
The patterns of all entries in the mailmap file are scanned;
if an entry's pattern doesn't match, the process proceeds to the next
entry. If one is found to match, what happens next is determined
by the value of the flag field. If it contains:
- nothing
the contents of the eddress field is added to the mail
destination list, and scanning continues.
- fallback
the contents of the eddress is added to a fallback list, and
scanning continues.
- last
the contents of the eddress field is added to the mail
destination list, and reading of the mailmap file stops
If the email destination list is empty when scanning has been
completed, the value of the fallback list is used as the destination list.
This permits an entry such as
to appear anywhere in the file and act as a catch-all entry. If no
better entry is found, Jon.Doe will receive the email.
If the destination list is empty, and there are no fallback eddresses,
the script will default to sending the mail to the
MAINTAINER_EMAIL address specified at configure time or in the
CVSROOT/spackle.conf file.
Invalid or incorrect entries in the mailmap file may cause
commit messages to be misdirected in strange ways and to odd
coordinates. After updating and committing your mailmap
file, check subsequent commits to ensure no 'unable to send'
or 'dead.letter' messages were displayed as part of the commit output.
Since the mailmap logging occurs after the commit has
taken place, errors in sending the mail or in the mailmap
file do not have any negative effect on the repository.
Rodent of Unusual Size <Ken.Coar@Golux.Com>
For more information, see the Spackle project Web site at
This document was created by
using the manual pages.
Time: 18:04:24 GMT, August 17, 2002